Monday, July 7, 2014

Everything "YES"...and Now I Want Ethiopian Food.

This year, I gave myself the challenge of “everything ‘yes’”. If I saw it in the thrift shop or mending bin…the answer was: “yes. I will make something out of it”
I try to never limit myself...but I do always throw myself a designer challenge to keep my life interesting.
My sister gave me vintage clothing from the 1980s. Yes.
I found a plethora of vintage things that were pastel. Pastel??  But I'm afraid of pastel. No matter....  "YES".
My neighborhood is Pakistani, Indian, Afghani, Israeli, Croatian, Russian and Ethiopian. Saris. Yes. Habesha Tibeb. Yes. Yes.
Result is a super collection of delicious cantaloupe, coconut, tamarind, lime, plantain, wheat, yam, clove, coffee, chai and curry. Sumptuous velvets, sassy plaids. 

All the spices and twice the sugar? Yes. 
All the warmth - twice the cool?  Yes. 
All the fashion and twice the practicality? YES.
Now serving up a plateful of Chicago summer.  Do not miss it.

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